Who invented the snack called nachos?
Nacho is the nickname of the man who prepared the first plate of the eponymous snack of crispy tortilla chips and cheese.
To understand food and its cultural and social significance, it is often necessary to go beyond recipes and cooking tips. This section includes a comprehensive guide on ramen broth, a history of mac and cheese, a dive into the (mostly Western) misconception that sate / satay is peanut sauce and how chocolate evolved to become the (second?) most popular Valentine's Day gift.
Nacho is the nickname of the man who prepared the first plate of the eponymous snack of crispy tortilla chips and cheese.
Where did the salad and the dressing get its name? Does Caesar salad contain anchovies? How to you make Caesar salad dressing? Read on for the iconic salad's history and …
No. Despite being considered an American comfort food, mac 'n' cheese was brought over from Europe and popularized in America via the cooking of James Hemings, the slave …
Whoever said that there is no killing involved in a plant-based diet?
A crêpe is a thin pancake. A very thin pancake. Almost as thin as spring roll wrappers. A crêpe, like the thicker breakfast pancake, is made of flour, eggs, milk — and …
Japanese green tea with roasted brown rice. Right. Brown rice. Flowers like jasmine and chrysanthemum aren’t the only things that taste good with green tea.
It's simultaneously amusing and annoying how some "old sayings" are still taken as literally true to this day. Take "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, …
Named after Marquise Louis de Béchamel, a favorite in the court of French King Louis XIV, there are several theories as to the real origin of Béchamel sauce.